Friday, August 28, 2015

Washington and Old Dominion Trail, Leesburg, Virginia

August 28, 2015
24 miles

Today marks the last day of this biking vacation. We started out biking from our hotel to the bike path. It was less than a mile on a busy street which had a designated bike lane. Once on the trail we headed West, our destination was Purcellville, Virginia. This trail is named after the W&OD Railroad, which operated from 1859 to 1968. Along the trail there were many historical markers explaining about the different depots and other interesting facts. We rode under an old stone arch bridge which dated back to the late 1800s. We also saw old lime ovens used to bake limestone down to use as fertilizer and for road construction.
Old Stone Arch Bridge

 Lime Ovens

The trail ended in Purcellville at the quaint sunshine yellow train station, which was built in 1904. In the distance we could see the Blue Ridge Mountains. This small town was full of charm.

Purcellville Train Station

We had another perfect weather day and our ride back to Leesburg was downhill. When arriving back in Leesburg another rider passing us serenaded us with "A Bicycle Built for Two". What a way to finish this vacation!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The GAP, Meyersdale PA and Western Maryland Rail Trail, Hancock MD

August 26, 2015, Morning ride
21 miles

At breakfast this morning our plans changed. After talking to a fellow housemate at the Bed & Breakfast we decided that we should cycle more of the GAP. We drove to Meyersdale, Pennsylvania and picked up the trail there. Rode 10 miles east crossing the Eastern Continental Divide and then through Big Savage tunnel. We had to turn on our bike headlight because the tunnel is very long, 3294 feet long. When coming out of the tunnel you have a bird's eye panoramic view for miles and miles! The picture below doesn't do it justice.

There is a local man who sits up at this spot waiting for cyclists to stop and then engages them in conversation. His name is Harry and he is a retired Navy Seal. He told us a little area history, trail facts, personal facts and many, many jokes. He also took a liking to me. It would have been alarming and uncomfortable if Clay hadn't been with me. He talked so much it was hard to find a break in the one-sided conversation to get back on our bikes.

August 26, 2015, Afternoon ride
24 miles

After our morning ride we drove to Hancock, Maryland and checked in at the Bed & Breakfast. Decided to go ahead and ride our scheduled ride for this day. The innkeeper suggested riding West because that was the pretty way. It was flat and we just flew through the miles. The C&O Towpath was parallel to the trail we were on. We choose to ride on the Western Maryland Rail Trail because it was asphalt and the C&O was gravel and mud with ruts and potholes. This section of the trail included wooded areas with numerous rock outcroppings and views of the Potomac River through the trees. We had several encounters with deer this evening. I have been watching for bears but as yet have not spotted any.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Great Allegheny Passage, Connellsville, Pennsylvania

August 25, 2015
36 miles

Drove to Connellsville, Pennsylvania from Morgantown, West Virginia this morning, it took about 45 minutes. Parked by the Bed & Breakfast that we are staying in tonight. Unloaded the bikes and found the trail about two blocks away. Today we are riding on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail, aka The GAP. This trail, connecting with the C&O Canal Towpath, connects Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with Washington DC. We are riding the section from Connellsville, Pennsylvania to Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania. Uphill 17 beautiful miles.

The trail followed the Youghiogheny River, again another name I have trouble pronouncing. Like yesterday's trail the river was on one side of the trail and rock walls and ledges were on the other side, all in forested areas. Even though it was a weekday and very rural the trail was widely used. We saw many people on packed bikes that I am sure were riding long distances.

 Youghiogheny River

 One of the scenic rest stops on the trail

 Rock walls along the trail

 Crossing a bridge over the Youghiogheny River going into Ohiopyle

We arrived in Ohiopyle right at lunchtime. Found an outdoor cafe and had a delicious lunch while basking in the sun. It was glorious! Riding in the trees is pretty chilly, even in August. Made the return trip to Connellsville, enjoying the scenery while not working so hard since it was downhill.

This trail left us with wanting more. I think we will have to come back, maybe even to ride the whole trail from Pittsburgh to DC!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Deckers Creek Trail, Morgantown, West Virginia

August 24, 2015
31 miles

Started out early this morning. It was cool and the skies were overcast. Was so thankful that I had warmer clothes on because the majority of this trail was in the forest. On one side of the trail were rock walls/overhangs and on the other side was Deckers Creek. Sometimes the creek was near us and sometimes it was quite a distance below us. At one point I said "look how far the creek is down the hill." I heard Susan say "Don't look Tom!" I asked why Tom couldn't look. Susan said because Tom tends to veer in the direction that he is looking. I guess Susan was fearful that they would end up over the edge if Tom looked. Later, Tom admitted to me that he does actually look but that Susan just doesn't know.

I didn't mention that the trail was uphill and the road surface was crushed limestone. So we had a good workout. At least going slower we were able to enjoy more of the scenery! It was especially challenging for Tom and Susan since the Florida trails they are used to are flat. All of us really had fun riding back down. Not much pedaling!

 One of the prettiest views of Decker Creek

 Rock Walls and Overhangs along the trail

On a side note, after the ride we drove to Coopers Rock State Forest. The view from the overlook was breathtaking! We also did a short 2 mile hike to a place called Rock City. Our legs have been really worked over today and tomorrow's bike ride in Pennsylvania will be another uphill limestone trail.

Coopers Rock Overview with the Cheat River below

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Caperton Trail, Morgantown, West Virginia

August 23, 2015
18 miles

 Selfie taken pre-ride
(I obviously didn't get the memo to wear yellow)

Arrived in Morgantown, West Virginia and met up with Tom and Susan. We will spend two days here and decided to ride both days. Today we did the easier ride and rode the Caperton Trail which basically goes right along the Monongahela River, which I can't pronounce! There were many people using the trail today, always a good sign. This trail is named after a former West Virginia governor. We cycled past businesses, West Virginia University, industrial areas and the back decks of eateries that cater to trail users. There was even an Urgent Care facility, hopefully not used by many trail users!

 View along the Monongahela River

 Amphitheater on the river front

Another unusual sign seen on the bike trail. 
By the way, it was a very nice dog park and quite busy.

I couldn't get the song Country Roads by John Denver out of my mind today. West Virginia is Wild and Wonderful just like their license plate proclaims. Looking forward to our ride tomorrow, which should be more rural compared to todays trail.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cardinal Greenway, Richmond, Indiana

August 22, 2015
30 miles

Travel day. We arrived early to our hotel in Richmond, Indiana. Clay had researched and found that there is a trail here in Richmond. Even though we have previously ridden a trail in Indiana why not ride another one since we had several hours of daylight left. It turns out that this is Indiana's longest rail-trail. The trail takes it's name from the passenger train that used to run this route. Most of the trail ran through the countryside. Saw, heard and smelled lots of farms. Actually, it is rural Indiana at it's finest!

This must be Amish country because at every road crossing we saw this sign on the trail. At one point the road was parallel to the trail and a horse and buggy was traveling down the road in the opposite direction. We waved to one another and I wondered if it was a young man going a courting. It is Saturday night!