Friday, August 14, 2020

2020 Ohio Bike Trip

August 10-13, 2020

Stayed in Xenia, Ohio

  • Little Miami Scenic Trail (North from Xenia) 20 miles
  • Creekside Trail 29 miles
  • Little Miami Scenic Trail (South from Xenia) 33.2 miles
  • Ohio to Erie Trail 62 miles
One lane covered bridge that went over the Little Miami Scenic Trail

We decided to stay in a VRBO because we felt it was safer in regards to the Corona Virus. We could do our own meals and do laundry as needed. It was a perfect solution for this vacation. Xenia is basically a hub for five main bike trails and we could easily access all of them from the house.

We were able to ride parts of three trails and the complete Creekside Trail while we were there. We rode three days and two consecutive days we rode metric centuries (100k or 62.14 miles). That was a new record for us. 

The weather was perfect. In the 70's and 80's with light wind. Some days were pretty cloudy which gave us some sun protection. The trails did have many sections of tree coverage but there were also some that were along farm lands that were more out in the open. We went through some quaint towns along the trails. Would have liked to do some more exploring but because of COVID-19 there wasn't much to explore and some places weren't even open. This reminded me a lot of the KATY trail in Missouri but these trails were paved and not limestone. These trails rank up in my top 5 Trails that we have ridden. What a gem this area was. Thank you Ohio for some great biking!

Mandatory to wear masks inYellow Springs, OH

Sunset over the Little Miami River

Barn along the Little Miami Scenic Trail

911 Memorial in Beavercreek, OH, Creekside Trail

House and Grain Elevator along the Creekside Trail, Alpha, OH

Found a trail side Ice Cream Parlor in Corwin, OH
I had a Buckeye Sundae since we were in the Buckeye State!

Xenia, OH station

We packed a lunch and ate at South Charleston's old Train Depot
Ohio to Erie Trail

Cedar Cliff Falls, Cedarville, OH
Ohio to Erie Trail

Old Church seen from the Ohio to Erie Trail, Selma, OH

Sunday, July 26, 2020

My Thoughts on Cycling Bibs

July 26, 2020

Clay and I celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary in June but unfortunately we were in different states at the time. Clay found an online virtual bike tour to participate in. With this sponsor you could purchase a patriotic jersey and, if you wanted, could get matching cycling bibs to complete your outfit. I was unsure about the bibs but Clay really wanted them and he wanted us to match. Therefore, he talked me into it and we decided that it would be our anniversary gift to each other.

How the virtual ride worked was sometime before the end of July you would wear your patriotic biking clothes and post a picture of yourself and a picture of the stats from your ride. Depending on the length of your ride it would determine the amount of a discount you'd get on future purchases. Now, I just needed to get home so we could ride and post the required information.

I arrived home in the middle of July so we started planning what day we would do our ride. That day came and our outfits looked great! We even looked professional, if I say so myself . But, there were a few problems!

Problem #1
You have to take off the jersey to pull the bib straps off your shoulders. Yes, that means you have to undress to pee!

Problem #2
Due to the Corona Virus public bathrooms on the bike trail are closed. So, what's a girl to do???

Yep, you guessed it! Find a secluded bushy area along the trail and pretend that I'm on Discovery Channel's show Naked and Afraid because I definitely was naked and afraid!!!

Going forward I'm unsure how often I'll wear the professional looking cycling bibs. If I do it'll be only for short rides so that I can make it home before having to go potty. Maybe I should use my discount to buy regular cycling shorts. Sorry honey, no more matching bibs!

Disclaimer: The event described above did not actually happen even though it very likely could have!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Biking in the time of COVID

July 23, 2020
41 miles
Madison County Trails

What a new world we live in! We only have 1 state left to bike in and that is Hawaii. I am so relieved that we didn't have a trip to Hawaii planned this summer because I think we would have had to cancel. We have been even more appreciative that we live in a county that has over 130 miles of bike trails. Even in this crazy time of COVID it is so easy to get out and enjoy biking and still being able to distance ourselves from others. 

One new adventure we had this summer was to enroll in the All American Freedom Ride - National Virtual Ride. You signed up and received a jersey, a race number and medal. You pick the length of ride you want to do and post a picture and your ride stats from your preferred device. We had a great ride with our new jerseys and cycling bibs (In a few days I'll write a different blog about the bibs). We rode to Staunton Illinois, ate lunch at Subway and then rode back home. Round trip was 41 miles. 

We know many people who have cancelled vacations this summer because of the COVID situation. Since we can ride a bike and still feel safe we are actually going to take a mini vacation before the Fall Semester starts and Clay goes back to teaching. We have changed a few things in the way we travel and vacation. We are staying in a VRBO, so we can do our own cooking, instead of a hotel. We will also take a cooler with food in it on travel days and picnic either at rest areas or town parks. Life is an Adventure! Make wise choices and stay healthy!!!