Thursday, June 28, 2012

Exciting News

This time next month we will be riding our tandems in Kansas. Yes, I said tandems (plural). Tom and Susan decided to join the tandem club!! We are very excited to have them both join us on this special ride.

We have been very busy getting ready for this leg of the journey. One thing we decided to do this year was to have a special biking jersey made. In an article from the St. Louis Republic, dated August 28, 1911, it talked about my relatives and their journey to the Pacific Coast. This is what was written about their clothes. "A regular uniform has been adopted. The men and boys will wear blue overalls with corduroy coats when the weather requires. The women and girls will wear short blue denim skirts with high-topped boots and wide-brimmed hats." Since they had a uniform we decided it would be fitting for us to come up with a uniform. I have been working with Ascend Sportswear and they are printing a special biking jersey for us. We wanted something bright so that we could be very visible on the road and I think we achieved that. You'll have to wait to see them!