Monday, May 27, 2013

Working on Our Goal

May 27, 2013

Well, here it is Memorial Weekend 2013. We are now in our 12th year of riding tandem. Usually by this time we have put quite a few miles on the bike but this year has been rainy and chilly so we are less than 100 miles so far this year. We did get a 30 mile bike ride in this morning and now it is thundering so I am glad we got out and rode early. Just received a Severe Thunderstorm Watch warning so it looks like I will have to come up with an alternate plan for supper as I had planned to grill outside.

We have plans this year to ride in at least 10 states, working on our goal to ride in all 50 states. In June we plan to ride in 6 states (Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Kentucky) and then in August we are meeting Tom and Susan Weaver, my sister and her husband, and will ride in 4 states (Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia) with them. So look for my blogs regarding our rides.

Bike art seen in Chesterfield, Missouri. I thought it funny that Best Buy was in the background because buying our tandem bike was definitely one of our best buys!