Saturday, June 7, 2014

Trail Sweet Trail

June 7, 2014
33 miles

Oh, how sweet it is to be riding on my home trails! Normally I do not blog about rides here at home but because it has been awhile since I have ridden here in Edwardsville I thought I would write a short blog. 

Since last August I have actually been away from home more than I have been at home, so my riding here has suffered. The last time I rode these trails was October 3, 2013. Today's forecast called for rain starting around noon so Clay and I decided that if we wanted to get a ride in today we would have to get up early. 

Had a very nice ride! It is so relaxing to ride my home trails because I know them. When we ride trails in other states it is exciting because they are new but it is a little stressful because of the unfamiliar. We spent a lot of time talking as we rode today, more than normal. I guess we are still getting caught up on being apart so much this year. Saw a deer up close (I don't know why it didn't dart away). Took some pictures, including a selfie. Stopped and ate an early lunch at Subway before heading home. Now as I am writing it is pouring rain! So happy that we got our ride in!