Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ode to the Tandem

May 2016

Ode to the Tandem
by Clay Burkholder

Day after day you stood on that display, beckoning a pair of riders to take you away.
One of us was gung-ho, the other one not so much so.
A vacation ride on one like you, was the trick to make the other willing too.
So began the many travels, with hopes the marriage wouldn't unravel.
But through miles and miles and fifteen years, sore bottoms and a crash didn't bring tears.
You've carried us to places with beautiful sights, spurring conversations but never a fight.
We look forward to fifteen more, if one of us doesn't wear out before.

May was the anniversary month for buying the tandem. So, happy 15 years to our bike! It is hard to believe that we've had it for almost half of our marriage. We have had lots of adventures (retracing my Great Great Grandfather's move West), taken lots of silly pictures (see 10-3-2012 post), benefitted tremendously health wise, and seen so much more of our great country from the seat of our bike instead of behind the dashboard of a car! I'm looking forward to many more years being the stoker on the back seat of the Cannondale!

Recent ride on Madison County Trails