Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Dog Days of August

I'm sitting on the back porch watching the hummingbirds while writing my blog. It is a very pleasant day for August and in the shade it is heavenly!

What a busy summer it's been. We have been riding the trails around here but really nothing noteworthy to write about. Clay and I have ridden 800 miles so far this year which I feel is good considering how rainy it has been this summer, two new grand babies, visitors and a couple of vacations. We have been getting out and riding in the mornings before it gets too hot. We usually end up at Subway for a salad or sandwich before going home.

Photo from the MCT Heritage Trail

Today we rode 31 miles down through Glen Carbon and then out toward Marine. East of Interstate 55 we passed 3 people riding horses on the trail. This is the first time that has ever happened. The trail out that way had lots of twigs, leaves and other debris strewn all over the trail. Several times we hit twigs big enough that it bounced me off of my seat. Because of the tree canopy and the shade it was hard for Clay to see and miss those things. Clay said that whoever mowed along the trail recently mowed the wrong direction and it threw everything up on the trail instead of back in the trees.

I have been nervous about crashing lately. It is a combination of a friend's recent crash on the trails here, the horrible crash of the Dutch cyclist, Annemiek van Vleuten, at the Rio Olympics and just the concern about getting hurt before our upcoming biking trip. Clay has been really understanding when I have expressed my nervousness while out biking and has adjusted our speed at intersections and/or curves in the trails! Thanks dear, you're a Great captain!

This time next month we will be in the Northwest adding 5 more states to our quest to ride in every state. Susan & Tom, my sister and brother-in-law, are joining us again in our adventure. Here are the trails we plan to ride:

Banks - Vernonia State Trail - Oregon
Boise River Greenbelt - Idaho
Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes -Idaho
Chehalis Western Trail - Washington 
Great Northern Historical Trail - Montana
Grand Teton Multi-Use Trail - Wyoming

Looking forward to seeing the beautiful Northwest and praying we'll have good weather and safe travels.