Sunday, August 13, 2017


A few years ago, instead of making a New Year's Resolution, my pastor encouraged us to pick a word to focus on for the year. To make it a theme in our lives and to work on being intentional about it. After picking my word, I thought it would be good to have it placed somewhere in the house so that I would see it everyday. That way it would be a constant reminder for me and it wouldn't be as easily forgotten. I came up with several ideas but finally decided on painting my word on a rock and displaying it on the living room coffee table.

Word of the Year Rocks

Little did I know that painting rocks was going to become such a fad. About a month ago Clay and I were riding on the trails around our house. I was looking around as we pedaled along and I happened to notice something on top of a stop sign post at an entrance to the trail from a neighborhood. It was a painted rock. I was immediately hooked!

First Painted Rock I Found

If you combine my love of treasure hunting, painting and bike riding ~ painting rocks to hide while biking is the perfect trifecta! Since we had an upcoming bicycle trip planned I was excited to paint a few rocks to leave behind on the trail. I thought it was only appropriate that the rocks have a bicycle on them. Looking for a place to "hide" the rocks added to the fun of our biking adventure in Minnesota.

Rocks Left Behind on the Root River Trail
Happy Rock Hunting!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Root River Trail, Minnesota

August 9, 2017
Lanesboro to Houston
63 miles

Hello, it's me. I haven't forgotten about my blog. This Spring and Summer has been very unusual and due to various reasons we have not been able to ride much. Therefore, nothing to blog about. Unfortunately, we were not able to check any new states off of our list this year but, at the last minute we decided that we could take a short bike trip to Southeast Minnesota. In 2012 we rode around the Twin Cities on the Grand Rounds Trail. Since that was an urban ride we thought we would try a country ride this time.

The Root River Trail reminds me of the Katy Trail in Missouri only not as long and paved. Just like the Katy Trail it has bluffs on one side of the trail and the river on the other side. Also, there are several small, quaint towns along the trail with many B&Bs and unique places to eat. Each having their own "one of a kind special item" that are hard to pass up!

This first day we are riding to the East to the town of Houston. We spent the first 26 miles enjoying the flat terrain then we hit what the map calls "relatively steep hills". Fortunately, it wasn't too bad and not very far, only a mile in length. Very manageable! It was lunch time when we arrived in Houston and we found Barista's Coffee House right across the street from the end of the trail. We ate Paninis outside on their covered porch. After lunch we headed back to Lanesboro. I was looking forward to stopping in Whalen to eat a slice of their "world famous pies" but, alas, the place was closed on Wednesday. Bad timing! This town is also famous for their "Stand Still Parade". There really is such a thing - Google it!

Wildlife seen today:
1 unfortunate chipmunk sort of animal (he ran under our tires!)
Rattlesnake (yes, it was sunning on the trail!)
An imposter bald eagle (a plastic one on a telephone pole)

August 10, 2017
Lanesboro to Harmony to Fountain
57 miles

We weren't going to ride as much today because the extended forecast had predicted rain for much of the day. Well, we woke up to beautiful weather so we decided to take advantage of another great riding day and go West from Lanesboro. After 5 miles you come to a junction in the trail. One way goes to Preston and then on to Harmony (18 miles) and the other way goes to Fountain (6.5 miles). We thought since it wasn't raining that we would go to Harmony because it would give us a longer ride and we could eat lunch there before coming back.

Once we got to Preston we encountered a section of the trail that was closed. It was fairly easy to get on the road and catch the trail again about half a mile later. According to the Trail website this section is closed due to a Trout Stream Habitat Project and they are going to reopen the trail August 12. We were just a few days too early!

Before we got to Harmony we came upon another section of trail labeled as "relatively steep hills", only this time they were quite difficult and it was about a 4 mile section. Our tired legs from yesterday's ride really struggled! I was more than ready to get to Harmony for a lunch break and it was only 11 a.m. We ate at Estelle's Eatery and Bar. Just like yesterday we sat outside on the porch for lunch. Beautiful day, delicious food and the sound of road construction, what more could you ask for? Seriously, even with the noise it was very enjoyable!

On the way back to Lanesboro, when we came to the junction, we had the great idea to go to Fountain. It was only 6.5 miles extra one way,  it was sunny and in the 70's. Also, then we could say we rode all of the Root River Trail. We knew we would be riding into the wind but what we didn't know was that the last 5 miles of the 6 and a half miles was a constant uphill (our trail map didn't tell us that information)! Riding to Fountain at the end of our day and under those conditions was challenging but we made it and the fantastic thing about it was we got to COAST for 5 miles coming back down!

We had two great riding days here. I would rank this trail in my top 3. I'm already wanting to come back.