Thursday, August 9, 2018

All Because I Wanted to Eat Pizza in Marthasville

August 9, 2018
100 miles

Earlier in the summer when we rode the KATY Trail we ate at a great restaurant at one of the trail heads. I mentioned to Clay that we should eat there before he goes back to school. Well, that turned in to: Let's do a bike ride also since it is right on the KATY Trail. Then, that turned in to: We've biked 900 miles this summer, why not do a Century Ride and make it 1000 miles. So, all because I wanted to eat Pizza in Marthasville, we are riding 100 miles today!

Beginning of the day. We're not hurting yet!

7 AM
70 degrees
Arrived at the St. Charles trail head. Took two ibuprofen before leaving - because I know there will be pain! Wearing a wind jacket because its just a little cool. Experienced a foot cramp about 15 miles into the ride. Was able to work through it without stopping.

8:20 AM
74 degrees
17 miles
First rest stop at Weldon Spring trail head. Warming up so I removed my jacket.
Random thought: Why is my stomach growling already!

9:13 AM
77 degrees
27 miles
Augusta trail head. Ate some trail mix because I'm hungry and I know I'm going to need the energy.
Random thought: That's an appropriate snack for our ride!

10:10 AM
82 degrees
39 miles
Marthasville trail head. This is where we are going to eat lunch but it's too early. We'll continue riding until we hit the 50 mile mark and will stop here on the way back to eat lunch. Removed my socks, I'm starting to get hot. Rinsed dirt off of the water bottles. Started standing and pedaling to get our bottoms off the saddles for small stretches. I call this pedal dancing.
Random thought: If I take much more off this will turn in to a Bare Naked Ride!

We saw naked ladies all day!

11:15 AM
85 degrees
50 miles
Stopped just West of Bernheimer on the KATY Trail. My ice has melted in the water bottles. I struggle drinking water without ice.
Random thought: Someone should put ice machines at the trail heads!

12:10 PM
86 degrees
59 miles
Stopped at the Charrette bridge. Getting really tired. We need lunch, luckily it's just 4 more miles. Doing a lot of pedal dancing.
Random thought: Shouldn't have stayed up until 1 AM last night. 4 hours of sleep wasn't enough!

12:30 PM
87 degrees
61 miles
Lunch at Philly's in Marthasville. Took 2 more ibuprofen. The restaurant let us fill our water bottles with ice and water. So thankful, now I can drink again. Back on the trail at 1:30 PM.

2:07 PM
88 degrees
70 miles
Stopped at Nona (it's one house and one silo). This is not a trail head but it does have a bench in the shade. Not only are we tired and sore but now we have a head wind to deal with. Will have to take it slow and make lots of stops.
Random thought: Have seen scat several places on the trail. It makes me think about the bear sightings in Missouri this summer. I'm wondering, if we encounter a bear on the trail, will we be able to out pedal a running bear? I guess I could throw trail mix his way!

2:52 PM
76 miles
Stopped at another shaded bench East of Augusta. Looking forward to having some ice cream in Defiance. A cold treat is sounding mighty fine. This has officially become our longest ride.
Random thought: The miles have gotten longer since this morning!

3:20 PM
88 degrees
80 miles
Pulled in to the bike store in Defiance and ate some ice cream out on their patio. Enjoyed every bite. The last section that we biked was mostly in wooded areas so we had a wind break. The miles went back to being normal length. I'm out of ice again.
Random thought: I wonder if riding 100 miles will lower my cholesterol number. Probably not because of the pizza and ice cream!

The view from one of the
trail benches we rested at.

4:30 PM
90 miles
We did good to make 10 miles before having to stop. We are really worn out. Sat at more shaded benches along the trail. Two tandems have passed us going in the opposite direction this afternoon. One had panniers and a trailer and the other tandem just had a trailer. Would have liked to have spoken to them. I'm curious about their journey.
Random thought: That could be Clay and I some day. I both love and hate the idea!

5:15 PM
100 miles
WE DID IT! Our first Century Ride!