Friday, June 14, 2019

Flag Day 2019

June 14, 2019
21 miles
Madison County Trails

Today is National Flag Day and the flags were really flying. There was a stiff wind out of the South and we really struggled going into it. We are trying to make up for some lost riding time and we've ridden almost every day this week so we are very tired. We just didn't have the stamina today for the brutal wind! After fighting it for awhile we decided to turn around, which changed our planned route slightly. 

It was a very interesting riding day. We encountered several work vehicles on the trail. We've never seen this many on one ride. We had to pass 4 different areas where they were doing work. It is nice to know they are taking such good care of the downed trees and other problems. We love our MCT Trails!

Another strange occurrence today was we passed Captain Underpants, at least that's the nickname Clay dubbed him. He literally was wearing very tight, very skimpy underpants (or could have been a speedo). I'm also pretty sure they were Red, White and Blue. I guess he was showing his support for Flag Day. I wanted to get a picture but it was too awkward. By the way, he was a walker, not a bicyclist. 

We don't have a lot of rides planned for this summer but we will pick up our 49th State in July - Alaska. We also would like to do another Century ride but still need to put in many more miles to get in perfect shape to accomplish that, so that ride will probably occur in the hottest month of the summer - August!