Thursday, August 2, 2012

Land Of Oz

Part II
Day 12
Plains, KS to Liberal, KS
25 miles

Because we rode so many miles yesterday it made today's ride really short. We had a very brisk wind at our backs. It was very enjoyable and we averaged almost 21 miles per hour. That even included a  steep incline after crossing the Cimarron River. We had a flat tire 2 miles after starting out this morning, so that was a bummer. It was on the front tire this time. The wind was so strong, several times while standing there while Clay was changing the tire, I lost my balance because of how hard the wind was blowing! Tom and Susan decided to take a rest day so it was just Clay and I this morning.

You can see how hard the wind was blowing by looking at Rachel's hair.

In 1912 when Charles Cousins was coming into Liberal, the Cimarron River was a wide and swiftly moving river that they had to cross. Some places the water was only knee deep but at other places it was waist deep. Today there was not a drop of water in it!

Cimarron River

We are expecting several relatives to arrive in Liberal today. They are planning to welcome us in Hooker, Oklahoma tomorrow when we finish. I can't believe our journey is almost over.

Liberal is the official hometown of Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz. 

Rachel and the Tin Man.


  1. I can't believe it's almost over! Could you please keep writing a blog after you return home? I enjoy reading it every day! Have a wonderful celebration tomorrow!

  2. Thanks Mary! There will be a few more blogs after today, but not on a daily basis. I glad you enjoyed reading the blog.
