Monday, June 3, 2013

Chief Ladiga Trail, Alabama

June 2, 2013
82 degrees
Anniston, Alabama to Esom Hill, Georgia
33 miles

Started out the day in Tennessee with rain. We drove to the Chief Ladiga Trailhead in Alabama in hopes that it would be clear, and it was perfect weather by the time we arrived. The weather forecast had today listed as 80% chance of rain, so we were thrilled that it had cleared. As we passed Jacksonville, AL, we saw an Indian Pow-wow in a park. They were dancing around in a circle; we were hoping that it wasn't a rain dance!

We met Rachel, Jeremy, & Zoey in Piedmont and ate a Subway lunch. The trail was very nice. The first 18 miles reminded me of our trails back home in Edwardsville. After we left Piedmont, it was a constant gradual incline. We passed through wetlands, across streams, through forests and farmlands. We had a beautiful view of the Talladega Mountains. At the Georgia border, the trail connected with the Silver Comet Trail which continues on to just West of Atlanta, which we rode several years ago.


Now, on to Florida and some biking in Tom & Susan's neck of the woods!

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