Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tammany Trace, Covington, Louisiana

April 29, 2015
50 miles

I forgot to mention that yesterday after our ride, as I leaned over to take my shoes off, I heard a hissing noise coming from the back tire on our bike. Sure enough when we arrived at the hotel in Louisiana we had a flat tire. Before we left home we bought new tires to bring with us because the ones on our bike were showing lots of wear.  Clay decided that as long as he was changing the tube on the back tire he might as well change tubes and tires on both wheels. So our hotel room became a bike repair workshop.

We started our ride today at the Abita Springs Trailhead. Immediately the man that we parked next to began a conversation with us. He had noticed our out of state license plate and was curious about  what brought us to the area. He gave us lots of helpful information about the trail and what kind of snakes we could possibly encounter while riding "The Trace". I am happy to report that I saw ZERO snakes today. But, I did see a turtle!

Out of the three trails we've ridden on this trip, Tammany Trace was the most used. We even saw another couple on a tandem. We passed them going each way. Many of the people we passed threw greetings our way and when we would stop to take a picture people passing would ask if everything was alright. Clay and I give this trail the "Most Friendly" award!

The flora and fauna along the trace were what you would expect for southern Louisiana. Lots of swamps, spanish moss and insects. The weather today was lovely, sunny skies and temps in the 70s. We had a hard time deciding when to stop biking, hence the fifty miles. And for all my Weight Watcher friends out there, I earned 32 activity points today. Sweet!

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