Thursday, September 8, 2016

Banks Vernonia Trail, Oregon

September 7, 2016
43 miles

 Car Trouble

Today didn't start out as planned. We were all loaded and ready to leave for our ride when the car wouldn't start. So, 2 hours and a new battery later we were on our way. Despite starting out with problems it turned out to be a wonderful day and this is one of the best trails I have ridden.

 Happy People

This trail starts in Banks, Oregon and goes to Vernonia, Oregon, approximately 21 miles. That means if we want to ride the whole trail we go all the way to Vernonia and then back to Banks, making it a 43 mile ride. Even though we got a later than expected start we still had plenty of time to bike the whole thing. Today we packed a lunch to eat somewhere along the trail. We found a lovely picnic spot and enjoyed eating al fresco.

 Great Advice

From Banks the trail gradually climbs and then there is a steep grade down, you cross a road, and then there is an 11% switchback climb back up the other side. We did take this signs advice and walk with our bike. Since the tandem is longer than a regular bike it makes going through the switchbacks very harrowing and the stoker (me) wanted to walk, and remember, it's the captains (Clay) job to make the stoker happy.

Below are some pictures taken on the trail today. It was very beautiful, therefore, I took lots of pictures. Here are a few of my favorites.
(I thought they were pretty so I had to get a picture)

 Tree Canopy with Fern Ground Cover

Buxton Trestle
(700-foot long, 80-foot high)

Perfect Picnic Day

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