Sunday, August 13, 2017


A few years ago, instead of making a New Year's Resolution, my pastor encouraged us to pick a word to focus on for the year. To make it a theme in our lives and to work on being intentional about it. After picking my word, I thought it would be good to have it placed somewhere in the house so that I would see it everyday. That way it would be a constant reminder for me and it wouldn't be as easily forgotten. I came up with several ideas but finally decided on painting my word on a rock and displaying it on the living room coffee table.

Word of the Year Rocks

Little did I know that painting rocks was going to become such a fad. About a month ago Clay and I were riding on the trails around our house. I was looking around as we pedaled along and I happened to notice something on top of a stop sign post at an entrance to the trail from a neighborhood. It was a painted rock. I was immediately hooked!

First Painted Rock I Found

If you combine my love of treasure hunting, painting and bike riding ~ painting rocks to hide while biking is the perfect trifecta! Since we had an upcoming bicycle trip planned I was excited to paint a few rocks to leave behind on the trail. I thought it was only appropriate that the rocks have a bicycle on them. Looking for a place to "hide" the rocks added to the fun of our biking adventure in Minnesota.

Rocks Left Behind on the Root River Trail
Happy Rock Hunting!


  1. I love these! What a great find for someone. You have always been so talented and creative. Although I'm not the artist that you are, I will have to give this a try on some of my rocks or maybe some shells. I love finding treasures on trips and brought back a bucket of shells from South Padre last month.

  2. Thanks Becky. Let me know if you try rock painting. I'd love to see what you do.
