Friday, May 18, 2018

Blackstone River Greenway - Rhode Island

May 18, 2018
22 miles

We had a change of plans today due to the forecasted rain for Saturday (our planned riding day in RI) and Sunday (our planned ride in CT). We decided to ride in both Rhode Island and Massachusetts today instead of taking a day in each of those two states. This will free up at least one of the rainy days. Today’s weather is in the 50’s which is cold for me but at least it’s not raining!

This trail treated us to many picturesque scenes of the wide, churning Blackstone River and the placid, historic canal towpath. We spotted lots of wildlife today; a snake, a heron, some Canadian geese and a drake. We parked by the old large brick textile mill and the canal was built to transport cotton goods from the mill to Worcester and Providence in the 1800’s.

This is the first trail that we’ve ridden that had walkers facing bikers instead of walking in the same direction and same lane as bicycles. Makes the pedestrian see the bikers coming at them. That makes more sense to me. There were some areas of the trail that were very bumpy, which we had been warned about in reviews and comments on Trail Link. This trail will most likely earn the distinction of “Bumpiest Trail”!

Now, we are headed to Falmouth, Massachusetts to bike the Shining Sea Bikeway and we are hoping that the traffic won’t be too bad but it’s POET’S day (Push Off Early Tomorrow’s Saturday) so we’re not going to hold our breath.

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