Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Red River Trail, Fargo, North Dakota

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
14 miles

We left Minneapolis early this morning so we could arrive in Fargo before lunch. A cold front came in sometime in the night and it is much cooler now. We had to cover the bike seats for the trip because it started sprinkling and it looked like we would get into rain.

We crossed the Red River just before 11:30 and had a delicious lunch with Clay's Uncle and Aunt, Chandice and Thema Johnson, at a nice place in downtown Fargo. Thema had gathered all kinds of maps and information for us about riding our bike in Fargo. She would make an excellent travel agent. They actually own a tandem but couldn't ride with us today because they had a prior appointment that they couldn't cancel. It would have been fun to have them along today. 

We rode along the Red River on both the North Dakota and Minnesota side. It was very beautiful! There weren't too many people out on the trail today but the ones we came across were very friendly. Another bike friendly town!

 Red River of the North

 Crossing over the river to Moorhead, Minnesota

 Hopperstad Stave Church Replica

 Another view of the river

 Bike Jail (notice the blue tandem)

Old Fargo Depot, now a bike store

Today's Weather: Cool (low 70's) and Windy

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