Friday, June 29, 2018

Single But Not For Long

June 29, 2018
17 miles

This evening Clay and I went for a bike ride but not on our tandem. The tandem is at the Bike Surgeon for some much needed work. We had put off several maintenance issues and they couldn't be ignored any longer. Tomorrow when we pick her up she'll have new chains, new ball bearings in both wheels, new brake pads, new cassette, new eccentric bracket and a general overhaul, tune-up and lube! Whew, It will be almost like getting a brand new bike.

So, anyway, tonight we rode our hybrid single bikes, even though there is an "Excessive Heat" Warning. It's always a big adjustment for me to get on the single bike. I have to steer, manage my own gears and brakes, keep my balance and watch where I'm going. None of those things I have to do when I'm on the tandem. It's quite comical to watch me! 

After last nights storms the trail had lots of debris, sticks and leaves mostly, so there was lots to steer around this evening. Any trees that had fallen and blocked the trail had been moved which was nice that those were taken care of so fast. We did have to watch for low hanging branches and Clay found himself wanting to call out "duck" to me like we do when riding the tandem. Old habits die hard!

It was an enjoyable ride but I prefer riding the tandem!

Monday, June 18, 2018

KATY Trail 2018

June 3 - June 8, 2018
242 miles

Tom and Susan Weaver accompanied us on their tandem
Abby Weaver was our SAG

 At the end in Machens, Missouri

This was our third time to ride the KATY and Tom and Susan's first. We were very excited to introduce them to the trail. The last two times that Clay and I biked the KATY it was very hot and dry, just what you'd expect August to be. This time we planned our trip in June and I was looking forward to cooler weather and just prayed that we wouldn't have any rainy days. We were very fortunate and had near perfect weather. Most days I started with a wind jacket but discarded it after awhile. The two previous rides Clay and I would pedal, pedal, pedal as quickly as we could in the sunny parts and then coast through the shady areas. This time was just the opposite, quickly pedal through the shade and coast through the sunny parts!

We did have a few struggles. The first two days are slightly uphill and there is no coasting due to the crushed limestone trail. This takes a toll on the legs. As Clay so accurately put it - the first two days are the cake and then it's icing after that. Clay and I also had a few issues with our timing chain, which Clay had to repair in Marthasville. Yay for our SAG vehicle!

Repairing the timing chain

We met several interesting people/families/groups this week as we all were heading east on the trail. We would take turns passing each other depending on where we spent the night and where we took rest stops. It is always fun hearing someone else's story. 

We stayed in some really great places - old hotels, B&Bs and even a log cabin. The food we ate tasted so good! I think it has to do with all the cycling, somehow it makes the food delicious! And, I eat so much of it, I never lose weight when I bike the KATY Trail!

We had another great week riding the KATY. We are very fortunate to have this trail so close. I hope it lived up to the Weavers expectations and that it will hold a fond spot in their memories, I know it will in ours!
 One should always carry a selfie stick!

Having some fun in Sedalia!