Friday, June 29, 2018

Single But Not For Long

June 29, 2018
17 miles

This evening Clay and I went for a bike ride but not on our tandem. The tandem is at the Bike Surgeon for some much needed work. We had put off several maintenance issues and they couldn't be ignored any longer. Tomorrow when we pick her up she'll have new chains, new ball bearings in both wheels, new brake pads, new cassette, new eccentric bracket and a general overhaul, tune-up and lube! Whew, It will be almost like getting a brand new bike.

So, anyway, tonight we rode our hybrid single bikes, even though there is an "Excessive Heat" Warning. It's always a big adjustment for me to get on the single bike. I have to steer, manage my own gears and brakes, keep my balance and watch where I'm going. None of those things I have to do when I'm on the tandem. It's quite comical to watch me! 

After last nights storms the trail had lots of debris, sticks and leaves mostly, so there was lots to steer around this evening. Any trees that had fallen and blocked the trail had been moved which was nice that those were taken care of so fast. We did have to watch for low hanging branches and Clay found himself wanting to call out "duck" to me like we do when riding the tandem. Old habits die hard!

It was an enjoyable ride but I prefer riding the tandem!

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