Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Juneau, Alaska

Juneau, Alaska
July 7, 2019
8.5 miles

Disclaimer: I know that we are not riding a tandem bike (that will come later in our trip). I still felt like writing a blog about our experience here in Juneau. This was an excursion offered through the cruise line. Since it involved bike riding, hey what the heck, why not do it!

We were met at the dock by our tour guide and driver. There were ten of us from two different cruise ships participating in this excursion. My cousins, Byron and Christy Cate, decided to join us on this tour. We were driven to the starting point on the campus of the University of Alaska Southeast. Alaska was in the midst of an unusual heat wave, it was a perfect riding temperature of 77 degrees. As a matter of fact, all the biking clothes I brought on this trip were for cool to cold temperatures and possible rain. I didn't need any of those clothes today. As you can see from the picture, I am wearing regular clothes.

Our first stop was by a rain forest. It is strange to me because I wouldn't have thought that Alaska and rain forest would have been used in the same sentence. Our second stop was a viewing point for Mendenhall Glacier and Nugget Falls in Tongass National Forest, the largest national forest in North America. We had a clear, picturesque view which our guide said does not always happen. I am so thankful that we had a perfect weather day!

We ended our ride at the visitor center for Mendenhall Glacier. From there we decided to hike to Nugget Falls. It was beautiful and gave us a close up view of both the glacier and falls. 

We saw lots of Bald Eagles today. No bears or moose (I was watching for them)! To celebrate our fantastic ride we ended up at Tracy's King Crab Shack for the biggest and best crab legs EVER!

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