Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cardinal Greenway, Muncie, Indiana north to Gaston, Indiana

August 13, 2019
24 miles

Arrived in Muncie, Indiana and checked into the Airbnb (first-time user of Airbnb) at 5pm. Unloaded the car and quickly changed into our cycling clothes. We were anxious to get out on the trail, which was conveniently only 3 short blocks away. Our first priority was to eat supper before riding the trail. We checked out places to eat before leaving the bnb and found a Chick-fil-A that was just off the trail and easy to bike to. Yay, we love CFA!

 Carriage House Loft Apartment

 Our dinner view

Not long after leaving CFA we hit something on the bike. We think it was a rock but whatever it was really bounced our bike and we heard it shoot off into the trees. We are very fortunate that we didn't crash. It was in a section that was tree covered so the trail had lots of shadows and was dark, especially since it was evening. We had to stop to inspect the bike because something didn't feel right. The only thing we found was a loose spoke. Clay was able to tighten it and we were back riding within a short time.

Approximately 12 miles north the trail ends at a town named Gaston (playing the soundtrack from Beauty and the Beast in my head). There is a 11 mile gap where you bicycle on the road, with no shoulder, before picking the trail back up in Jonesboro, Indiana just south of Marion. This gap exists because the private landowners acquired the former rail corridor. It's a shame to have this trail disconnected. We didn't want to ride on the road so this is where we chose to turn around.

It was a nice ride but I have to say that there are many places along this trail that are very bumpy because of the tree roots. Our bicycle really took a beating this evening! 

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