Friday, July 24, 2020

Biking in the time of COVID

July 23, 2020
41 miles
Madison County Trails

What a new world we live in! We only have 1 state left to bike in and that is Hawaii. I am so relieved that we didn't have a trip to Hawaii planned this summer because I think we would have had to cancel. We have been even more appreciative that we live in a county that has over 130 miles of bike trails. Even in this crazy time of COVID it is so easy to get out and enjoy biking and still being able to distance ourselves from others. 

One new adventure we had this summer was to enroll in the All American Freedom Ride - National Virtual Ride. You signed up and received a jersey, a race number and medal. You pick the length of ride you want to do and post a picture and your ride stats from your preferred device. We had a great ride with our new jerseys and cycling bibs (In a few days I'll write a different blog about the bibs). We rode to Staunton Illinois, ate lunch at Subway and then rode back home. Round trip was 41 miles. 

We know many people who have cancelled vacations this summer because of the COVID situation. Since we can ride a bike and still feel safe we are actually going to take a mini vacation before the Fall Semester starts and Clay goes back to teaching. We have changed a few things in the way we travel and vacation. We are staying in a VRBO, so we can do our own cooking, instead of a hotel. We will also take a cooler with food in it on travel days and picnic either at rest areas or town parks. Life is an Adventure! Make wise choices and stay healthy!!!

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