Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pondering the Preparation

In 2 weeks we leave and do I feel that I am ready? No. We are slowly getting there but I don't feel prepared yet, physically or mentally. As I have been preparing for our bicycle trip, several times I wondered what it was like for my 1911 relatives to prepare for their journey. I went back and read their manuscript again to glean more detailed information. When comparing the journeys they are so different.

This was a life change for them. For us it is basically a vacation. They were dependent on strangers along the way for camping places, water wells, information, some food and even shelter at times. We will be self dependent on ourselves for the most part. We will have a support vehicle close enough that if we need anything or have a problem all we have to do is pull our cell phone out and make a call.

They traveled 12-15 miles a day and we will travel 50 miles a day. The middle of the afternoon they had to begin looking for a suitable place to camp over night. We know where we will be staying each night for we have advance reservations.

In her manuscript, Sophronia Cousins states: "Never once in our crossing of the State of Missouri were we refused permission to camp" and also goes on to say "The farmers were most generous. At milking time we were often given a gallon or so of fresh milk, sometimes butter, bread, fresh vegetables and fruit. Most invited us to come visit for a while after supper. These invitations were accepted in the hopes that there might be cake and lemonade."

The four of us making this 2011 journey really will have a much easier time than our 1911 relatives did. Even our preparations are much easier compared to theirs. So maybe I am more prepared than I think. Only time will tell.

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