Thursday, September 8, 2011

Alphabet Soup

Day 5
Marshall, Missouri to Odessa, Missouri
50 miles

I spoke too soon.  Today was the hardest day regarding "hills".  Enough said! We spent the majority of the day on state highways.  Highway YY, Highway CC, Highway U and Highway OO.  These highways had little traffic on them which was very nice, but they were hilly! Oops, enough said. We did have a problem about 12 miles into our ride. See picture below.

The bridge was completely gone! So we loaded the bikes up on the truck and had Susan transport us around the construction.  Three cheers for Susan.  We had lunch at Topsy's Cafe in Concordia, Missouri.  They had main street closed for their fall festival.  We got to see the high school band practice marching for the parade. 

This afternoon while descending down one of those hills, we came upon something quite startling. An unfortunate cyclist must have lost control and this is how we found him.

We are so excited to arrive at Kansas City tomorrow and have our shortest ride of the trip but we are so sore from the hills today we are afraid we might not make it. There is a long, gradual climb into our final destination. Hoping for a good night's sleep and if I dream of hills I am going to scream!!

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