Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thank Goodness For Broken Glass

Day 1
Calvary Cemetery, St Louis, Missouri to Foristell, Missouri.
49 Miles 

The morning started off overcast and sprinkling.  We even had to use the windshield wipers driving to Calvary Cemetery.  I was afraid I was going to be tested and have to ride in the rain.  But fortunately by the time we started our ride it was just overcast and we never got into rain.  We placed some flowers on Caroline Cousins grave, took some pictures, unloaded the bikes, and then we were able to actually start our ride. 
Today we spent most of our time riding in the city traffic.  All went well and most of the drivers were courteous.  Susan was a very good support vehicle driver.  She would drive our route and text us if there were any hazards we needed to be aware of.  She also was our photographer for the day.  We stopped in St. Charles, Missouri for lunch at Subway.  We had ridden 23 miles by that time and needed a break.  Tom decided he "KNEEDED" to keep Susan company for the "REST" of the afternoon. 

 After lunch, Clay and I hit a patch of shoulder that had lots of broken glass.  We decided that we better stop and wipe down our tires in case there were any pieces of glass stuck to them.  As Clay was wiping down the back tire he noticed a bulge in the tire.  Upon closer inspection, it was determined that this tire could blow at anytime. We didn't think that would bode well in the St Louis traffic, so we called for backup.  Tom and Susan brought us one of our extra tires.  I am really thankful that we ran over the broken glass and that we found the bulge when we did.  I am also thankful for our support vehicle.   
We are staying in a hotel tonight and looking forward to another good ride tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad everything worked out okay! I was thinking about you guys when I woke up to drizzle up here. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

