Sunday, August 23, 2015

Caperton Trail, Morgantown, West Virginia

August 23, 2015
18 miles

 Selfie taken pre-ride
(I obviously didn't get the memo to wear yellow)

Arrived in Morgantown, West Virginia and met up with Tom and Susan. We will spend two days here and decided to ride both days. Today we did the easier ride and rode the Caperton Trail which basically goes right along the Monongahela River, which I can't pronounce! There were many people using the trail today, always a good sign. This trail is named after a former West Virginia governor. We cycled past businesses, West Virginia University, industrial areas and the back decks of eateries that cater to trail users. There was even an Urgent Care facility, hopefully not used by many trail users!

 View along the Monongahela River

 Amphitheater on the river front

Another unusual sign seen on the bike trail. 
By the way, it was a very nice dog park and quite busy.

I couldn't get the song Country Roads by John Denver out of my mind today. West Virginia is Wild and Wonderful just like their license plate proclaims. Looking forward to our ride tomorrow, which should be more rural compared to todays trail.

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