Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cardinal Greenway, Richmond, Indiana

August 22, 2015
30 miles

Travel day. We arrived early to our hotel in Richmond, Indiana. Clay had researched and found that there is a trail here in Richmond. Even though we have previously ridden a trail in Indiana why not ride another one since we had several hours of daylight left. It turns out that this is Indiana's longest rail-trail. The trail takes it's name from the passenger train that used to run this route. Most of the trail ran through the countryside. Saw, heard and smelled lots of farms. Actually, it is rural Indiana at it's finest!

This must be Amish country because at every road crossing we saw this sign on the trail. At one point the road was parallel to the trail and a horse and buggy was traveling down the road in the opposite direction. We waved to one another and I wondered if it was a young man going a courting. It is Saturday night!

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