Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The GAP, Meyersdale PA and Western Maryland Rail Trail, Hancock MD

August 26, 2015, Morning ride
21 miles

At breakfast this morning our plans changed. After talking to a fellow housemate at the Bed & Breakfast we decided that we should cycle more of the GAP. We drove to Meyersdale, Pennsylvania and picked up the trail there. Rode 10 miles east crossing the Eastern Continental Divide and then through Big Savage tunnel. We had to turn on our bike headlight because the tunnel is very long, 3294 feet long. When coming out of the tunnel you have a bird's eye panoramic view for miles and miles! The picture below doesn't do it justice.

There is a local man who sits up at this spot waiting for cyclists to stop and then engages them in conversation. His name is Harry and he is a retired Navy Seal. He told us a little area history, trail facts, personal facts and many, many jokes. He also took a liking to me. It would have been alarming and uncomfortable if Clay hadn't been with me. He talked so much it was hard to find a break in the one-sided conversation to get back on our bikes.

August 26, 2015, Afternoon ride
24 miles

After our morning ride we drove to Hancock, Maryland and checked in at the Bed & Breakfast. Decided to go ahead and ride our scheduled ride for this day. The innkeeper suggested riding West because that was the pretty way. It was flat and we just flew through the miles. The C&O Towpath was parallel to the trail we were on. We choose to ride on the Western Maryland Rail Trail because it was asphalt and the C&O was gravel and mud with ruts and potholes. This section of the trail included wooded areas with numerous rock outcroppings and views of the Potomac River through the trees. We had several encounters with deer this evening. I have been watching for bears but as yet have not spotted any.

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