Monday, June 13, 2022

Jacksonville-Baldwin Trail, Florida

 June 2, 2022

22 miles

Decided to ride this trail again since we were in the area. We rode it last time in 2013 with Tom and Susan. As we pulled into the parking lot I noticed a sign about being under construction. I don't like these signs because as a visitor you don't know if it's 1 mile down the trail or 15 miles down the trail. We decided to continue our ride as planned and hope for the best. 

We started out slow because of the slight incline and from being sore from our other rides. Between miles 3 and 4 we noticed the surface was new. It was really nice and smooth. The majority of the bikes we passed, or the ones coming from the other direction, were recumbent bikes. I've never seen so many on one trail. Just as unusual observation. At mile 11 we finally hit the section that was closed. It was 3 miles more to the end of the trail. Not too bad, we got the majority of the trail ridden!

Turning around and coming back to the parking lot we really picked up our speed. We ended up with our highest average speed for this trip if not for the season. We missed having Tom and Susan with us and thankfully we didn't have yellow fly trouble like we did in 2013!

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