Monday, June 13, 2022

Tallahassee-St. Marks Trail, Florida

May 29, 2022

32 miles

Wide, smooth, straight and flat all describe this trail. These are all attributes of a great trail. We got out early to ride before the Florida heat and humidity got too bad and it was definitely a great decision. It was a calm, beautiful morning and the trail wasn't busy yet on this holiday weekend. We were pleasantly surprised at the road crossings it was the cars who had the stop signs and not us. It made crossing roads so much smoother!


Interesting situation upon arriving at the trailhead this morning. When we pulled into the parking lot there were two men outside of a car about two spaces away from us and their trunk was open. As we were unloading and preparing our bike we heard quite a bit of screaming. I looked over and one man had crawled into the trunk of the car and was pretending to be in distress. Then a few minutes later, even though he was just steps from the bathroom facilities, he urinated on the back tire of his car. Then both men got into the car and just sat there. As we rode off on our bicycle I was both glad to get away from them but also concerned about what they might do after we left. It was all very strange.

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