Monday, June 13, 2022

Southwest Missouri Tandem Rally

 June 4-6, 2021

141 miles

This was an impromptu mini vacation. Our friends, Mike and Shanna Cooke from Oklahoma City, asked if we would be interested in riding this with them. We have not seen them for many, many years and we both do a lot of tandem riding. Springfield, Missouri is about the half way point between us.

We arrived Thursday night and did a pre ride with the Springbike club there in Springfield. The Rally started the next day and we did a ride each of the three days. Being in the Ozarks, it was very hilly. Our legs are not used to hills so it was a struggle for me. There were 41 tandems and we were quite the site starting our rides in the mornings. We were even featured on one of the news stations. 

We met many new friends from lots of different states and met several couples from the St. Louis area. All the different tandems were very impressive and it was fun to see them all. Our rest stops included a local winery which served us a large variety of crackers, cheese and fruit, and Fantastic Caverns where we had a picnic lunch. 

Storage room for the 41 tandems

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