Thursday, July 26, 2012

Heat Relief

Part II
Day 5
Florence, KS to McPherson, KS
56 miles

We got a later start this morning because we had such a wonderful breakfast at the Historic Elgin Hotel B&B that we didn't want to rush leaving. Thanks Sherry!

 Enjoying our stay at the B&B

Today was almost perfect. The weather cooled off about 10 degrees and the wind was calm. The terrain was pretty flat and we had a large shoulder to ride on. The only thing we were disappointed in was that Tom and Susan have not been able to ride for the last two days. We miss having them ride with us. Since we don't have much shade to rest in we have had to create our own. We have one of our support vehicles drive ahead to a specific point, when we get there we get inside the vehicle and sit in the A/C for a few minutes to cool off and refill our water bottles. 

Tom, Susan, Abby, Mary Kate, and Ellen spent the day driving around the area, shopping, and enjoying the hotel facilities.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun!! Have a fun day off tomorrow! Sarah
