Saturday, July 28, 2012

Kindred Spirits

Part II
Day 7
McPherson, KS to Lyons, KS
55 miles

We left McPherson early this morning due to the predicted heat. The morning was beautiful and in the 70's, almost cold for me. For the first 17 miles, we had a wide shoulder to ride in, so it was very nice. Tom and Susan were back riding with us, so it was fun to have them along again.

 We passed some beautiful Kansas Farms today.

Our relatives talked about crossing the Little Arkansas River in the manuscript. We thought it fitting to stop and take a picture. The picture below was taken when we passed the half way mark this morning!

We arrived in Nickerson, KS, just before noon. We had decided to stop at a gas station/convenience store for a rest and to get some food. As we were pulling up from the East another biker was pulling up from the West. Then a little later another couple came in from the West also. We found out that this part of Kansas is on the TransAmerica Trail and lots of bicyclists come through here. We had a very nice conversation with everyone and it was fun to learn where they started from and where they were going.
At this point we had gone 32.5 miles, and Tom and Susan decided that they were done for the day. They did a great job today, especially for not riding for 3 days.

 Ron and Shari Scheiblauer, Clay and I, Jeremy Tagliaferre, Tom and Susan.

Clay and I continued on and even did a little extra today because the last 15 miles we had the wind at our backs and we were flying along. We did stop in Sterling, KS, at a park to cool off for awhile before finishing the last 10 miles. We arrived in Lyons, KS, at 2 pm and it was 104F. The heat is back and it looks like it is here to stay for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. It only got to 85 here today! It was nice and chilly. I hope you guys get that kind of weather break soon! Keep up the good work and keep taking those pictures, I love them!
