Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hot Mama

Part II
Day 8
Lyons, KS to Great Bend, KS
33 miles

We got up early again this morning to beat the heat and we were surprised to find that it was raining.  So our early start ended up not being so early. We left around 8:15 a.m. just after it stopped raining. The skies were still overcast so it was very pleasant. It didn't take very long before it became really hot. My black biking shorts felt like they were on fire! Since Clay and I rode extra miles yesterday it made today a short biking day. This stretch of road today was very friendly. We got the most honks (the good kind) today that we have received since starting a week ago. Tom and Susan almost made it the whole way today but the heat, wind and uncomfortable bike seats made it just too unbearable. They stopped at 25 miles. They are doing great considering they haven't had their tandem very long.

 "Bob" the dog kept us company at one of our rest stops. We named him Bob after the dog our 1911 relatives lost in this area.

 Resting in Ellinwood, KS under a shade tree.

Clay and I pushing into the wind.

It was in the triple digits again today as we arrived in Great Bend. The first thing I wanted to do was take a cool shower and bring my body temperature back down to normal. At a gas station today, they had something in a jar at the register and it was labeled "Hot Mama". I don't know what it was but that is how I felt!

Tomorrow our route turns to the SW and we will stay in this direction until we reach the end of our trek in Hooker, OK. The wind has been blowing from this direction so we are expecting to be battling the wind for the rest of our trip. This will make our days harder! We are thinking we should have started in Hooker and retraced their journey backwards. Too late now.

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny you guys found a dog at about the same spot our relatives lost theirs! We battled the wind in our run today, so I know how you guys feel! Good luck the next couple of days. Congrats Tom and Susan on your longest mileage yet! Can't wait to read more as your journey continues!

