Friday, July 27, 2012

Pajama Party In The Parking Lot

Part II
Day 6
Rest Day

It is a good thing we had planned a rest day today because we did not get a good night's sleep. After we had gone to bed our phone rang, and when Clay answered it a man said that he was calling from the front desk and they had a computer problem and had lost all our information. Could we please give him our information? Fortunately Clay had his wits about him and told the man that he would come down to the front desk. When Clay got dressed and went downstairs they didn't know anything about that call. I guess it was some scam thinking they would catch someone who was so sleepy they would give out their credit card information.

So we get back to sleep, and a little after 2 a.m. the fire alarm starts blaring and then stops. Clay gets up and looks in the hallway. Nothing is happening. He gets back in bed and 15 minutes later our phone rings. It is the front desk saying we need to evacuate the building. Is it really the front desk? Yes, it was. So we grab a few things and spend the next 20-30 minutes watching the firemen with their breathing apparatuses trying to find out where the smoke was coming from. It was quite exciting! Unfortunately, it was very hard to go back to sleep.

 Thinking we should have stayed at the hotel across the parking lot from ours.

 Susan took time to get dressed because she never went back to bed after the alarms went off.

Okay, so Tom has not been feeling well on this whole journey. So while we were in Emporia he decided that he should probably be checked out by a doctor. Susan took him to a hospital emergency room. They ran several tests and couldn't find anything wrong with him, except that he was crazy to be doing a bike ride in this heat! He has taken a rest for several days now and tomorrow will try to get on the bike again.
This is what happens when the tandem captain doesn't make the stoker happy!

Today we spent the rest day driving around checking our route for tomorrow, going to the Hutchinson Newspaper, antique shopping, and swimming in the hotel pool. When my relatives went through Hutchinson in 1912, the newspaper took a picture of them a wrote an article. We were trying to find a copy of it and Nick at Hutchinson News is going to research it for us. We are very hopeful he will find it.

Tonight we are watching the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics. London is doing a great job and we loved Mr. Bean!!

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