Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cherokee Park, Louisville, Kentucky

June 15, 2013
85 degrees and sunny
11 miles

This evening we found another Frederick Olmstead Park here in Louisville not far from where we are staying. We were able to ride our bike over to the park and then ride the one way scenic loop. The right lane was for cars and bicycles, and the left lane was for pedestrians and bicycles. Again, there were many people taking advantage of all the park had to offer.

We rode the loop 3 times around. There were 2 different inclines that gave us a pretty good workout. My knees are talking to me tonight! On the level areas, we were able to get up to 25 mph which was the speed limit. I have discovered since our fall on June 1st that I get a little apprehensive on unfamiliar trails when we get going at a good clip, especially when the trail is curvy.

 An old fountain that is not in working order any more.

We saw several dogs playing in this fountain.

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