Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jacksonville-Baldwin Trail, Florida

June 4, 2013
Overcast with an 80% chance of rain, 76 degrees
29 miles

Started out on the Jacksonville end. There were several other riders in the parking lot, most were loading up to leave. We did encounter a few others on the trail, but we mostly had it to ourselves. We were told on the weekends it is packed, and it is hard to find a parking spot in the parking areas.

Several miles into the ride, we came across the Civil War site of Camp Milton. Camp Milton was the first line of defense against the Union forces in Jacksonville in 1864, with over 8,000 troops. It was named after Florida's Governor during the Civil War, John Milton.

Most of the trail was covered by a tree canopy, so it was very nice temperature wise. It also provided some cover when we got rained on. We definitely could tell we were in Florida by the swampland and Spanish moss-covered oak trees.

When we got to the Baldwin end, we took a cookie break at the depot before heading back. Had to watch out for squirrels darting out in front of us today and saw a snake on the trail. Also, learned what yellow flies were. Every time we stopped, they bothered us. Note to self - need to buy bug spray to keep on the bike.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful scenery. It's a great way for crazy people to see the country. :)
