Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cumberland River Bicentennial Trail, Tennessee

June 1, 2013
Rainy and 68 degrees
7.5 miles

Got a slow start from home this morning due to the storms we had last night. Rachel, Jeremy, & Zoey didn't get to our house until 2 am this morning. What normally takes 2 hours to drive to our house took over 7 hours. They sat on the interstate for 4 hours due to a semi being blown over. We lost our power at home when the storms came through and didn't get it back until this morning around 10:30. So all of that drama caused us to sleep in longer this morning and delay our departure.

Arrived in Ashland City, Tennessee, about 5 this evening. Decided even though it was lightly raining that we would go ahead and ride the trail. It was hard for me to agree to ride because I knew that the bike wheels would throw wet dirt and other stuff up on us as we rode and then I would still have 4 hours traveling time before we could get cleaned up. I don't like traveling dirty!

The trail was absolutely beautiful! It ran along the Cumberland River. Lots of trees and rocky bluffs. There were about 5 wooden bridges that we crossed. Unfortunately, we found out the hard way that wet bridges are slippery. While crossing one of the bridges Clay had to brake, and that caused our tires to slip and we went over. We are happy to report that we only got a few scrapes and bruises, so we should be able to continue biking on this trip. Hopefully tomorrow it won't be raining!

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