Friday, June 7, 2013

French Broad River Greenway, North Carolina

June 7, 2013
Sunny and 78 degrees
5 miles

Arrived in Asheville, North Carolina, and it was sunny. Couldn't wait to get out on the trail! Zoey and Rachel drove us to one of the trail heads so we could unload the bike and take advantage of the sunshine while it lasted; what is left of Tropical Storm Andrea is supposed to bring thunderstorms here this evening and tomorrow.

This trail starts out in one of Asheville's most beautiful parks; the park meanders alongside the tranquil French Broad River and features a vast area of open green space with old trees and a wildflower garden. We saw several canoes on the river today as we rode along the trail. We even saw 2 men launching their homemade bamboo raft. It was their second try, and unfortunately it didn't float, so they had to load it back up. Because of all the recent rain, there was lots of water sitting in pools on the trail. That really slowed us down, but we got to enjoy the view better. Supposedly you can see the Builtmore estate from this trail, but I never saw it. Maybe in the winter when there are no leaves on the trees you could get a glimpse.

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