Monday, May 19, 2014

Arizona Canal Trail, Phoenix, Arizona

May 19, 2014
Started at 74 degrees, ended at 88 degrees
23 miles

Another enjoyable ride. Frequently we try to stay in a hotel close to the trail so that we can start from the hotel parking lot. Other times we have to load the bike on the car and drive to a trailhead. Today we thought we were close enough to the Skunk Creek Trailhead to bike there, and according to internet maps, we were but we had a very hard time finding it. Once we gained access to the trail it was smooth riding! On a side note: I'm not sure I wanted to ride on a trail named Skunk Creek.

Clay in the rare shady area

This trail was very different from Albuquerque's trail but still just as beautiful, no bosque today. We started early so that we could enjoy the warmth of the morning and not the heat of the day, and here in Phoenix there is a difference! There was not much shade so I'm glad we finished mid morning. The trail followed the canal and then on the other side of the trail was an area for flash flooding. I am not sure what you would call that area, but in part of it there was a park for children and a disc golf course. Doesn't make sense to me to build a park in a flash flooding area! The canal was very peaceful and made me want to grab an inner tube and go floating.

I enjoy riding new trails and discovering the uniqueness each has to offer. This trail did not disappoint!

Love the desert flora and fauna!

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