Saturday, May 24, 2014

Washoe Lake State Park, Nevada

May 24, 2014
56 degrees - 70 degrees
20 miles

Our plan was to drive up to Lake Tahoe to bike but after talking to our hosts, Wendell & Lisa Huffman, we decided to get our Nevada ride around Washoe Lake just a few miles from their home. A big part of that decision was because most of the trails for rode bikes up at Lake Tahoe are on the California side and we needed to ride in Nevada.

Washoe Lake

My usual rule for riding is it has to be in at least 60 degrees, preferably in the 70's to 80's. I had no choice but to break my rule this morning. Thankfully, I brought some warmer biking clothes with us, and because we were in the sun, it felt glorious!

We started out from Bower's Mansion parking lot and went North working our way clockwise around Washoe Lake. This is a popular route for bicyclist and with it being the first day of a holiday weekend, we saw many bicyclist including 2 other tandems. This was not a Rails to Trails ride so we shared the roads with cars. It has been awhile since we have ridden on roads so I kept a careful watch for vehicles on the road. I am happy to report all the vehicles were very courteous! We went through two small towns, Washoe City and Truckee Meadows, and passed a candy store in one of them. I thought it would have made a good rest stop but we pedaled on past before I could make that suggestion to Clay. We were told by a local that some scenes from John Wayne's last movie, The Shootist, was filmed at Washoe Lake State Park.

Today's ride marks the halfway mark in our biking goal of riding in all 50 states! So in celebration of being halfway through.....we went back to the candy store and spent $26 on candy!!! Yikes!

After our ride we drove up to Lake Tahoe and it was spectacular!! I've included a few of those pictures.

 Lake Tahoe

Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe

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