Monday, May 26, 2014

Provo River Parkway, Provo, Utah

May 26, 2014
65 degrees
25 miles

Memorial Day + Perfect Weather = Lots and lots of people on the trail! Had a great ride. We started out from the Bed & Breakfast and only had to ride a few blocks to get on the trail. Yesterday I had researched the trail conditions. Several people commented that the trail, before the mouth of the canyon, was very rutted and also dangerous in spots that went under roadways. Well, they were correct! The sections that go under roads were very narrow and as you go down on one side you can't see if someone is coming the opposite direction, and if there happens to be someone coming, there is no room to pass each other. It was very stressful! Also, there were quite a few big bumps. I called them "Bell Ringer" bumps because they were so big that when we went over them it rang our bicycle bell! Once we got to the mouth of the canyon, the trails were very good! We just had to watch all the other people coming and going. Walkers, joggers, long boarders, scooters, inline skaters, dog walkers and all kinds of bicycles.

Mouth of the Canyon

Coming back down through the canyon today two young boys, who were going up, started yelling to us to hold out our hands. They both had their hands extended and wanted to slap hands with us. It was charming. No one has ever done that to us before! When we got back to the mouth of the canyon and was heading back to the B&B, we decided to ride on the street and not the bumpy, stressful trail. The road had a very wide shoulder and it was Nice! We didn't have any "Bell Ringers" out on the road!

Hines Mansion B&B

We met a couple from Alabama this morning at breakfast, who are staying at the same B&B we are. They mentioned that they are trying to visit each of the 50 states. We found it amusing that we are doing the same thing only on a bicycle. For them Utah is their 47th state whereas for us it is our 26th! I don't think our paths will cross again since they only have 3 states left!

Bridal Veil Falls

Mt. Timpanogos

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