Wednesday, May 28, 2014

South Platte River Trail, Denver, Colorado

May 28, 2014
22 miles

We hired a guide for todays ride. His name is Paul Craig and he happens to be my brother who lives in the Denver area. We were excited to have him ride along with us today. We joined the South Platte River Trail northeast of Denver. Rode along the Platte River, crossing it several times before getting into the downtown area. In the downtown area Cherry Creek joined with Platte River at Confluence Park. Many people were out enjoying the nice weather, we also saw some kayakers in the river while there.

Paul, Kathy & Clay

Downtown Denver

We continued riding and ended at Mile High Stadium before turning around. Stopped at a Subway on the way back for lunch. Two miles before we got back to the parking lot we had an incident with Paul's bicycle seat. The saddle completely broke off and if he stood up it would have fallen to the ground. I think I should start carrying duct tape with us. I could have fixed that baby if I had only had some!

In front of Mile High Stadium

Confluence Park, downtown Denver

Today's ride is the last on this vacation. Tomorrow we head home. It has been really fun reconnecting with many friends these last two weeks. A big thanks to all who hosted us. We love and appreciated you all.

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