Monday, September 5, 2016

Boise River Greenbelt, Boise, Idaho

September 5, 2016
21 miles

Woke up this morning and it was 45 degrees. That is way too cold for me to be biking, so while we were waiting for it to warm up, we took a tour of the Old Idaho Penitentiary. We had a great tour with a very informative guide. It was a very interesting tour!

After lunch it had warmed up and was in the 60's, warm enough to ride the bike, and we were ready. After driving 4 days and 1700 miles we were anxious to be pedaling instead of sitting in a car! We started out at Baggley Park and took the customary selfie before riding.

Boise has a great trail system that runs along Boise River through neighborhoods, parks, Boise State University and the downtown area. One thing we couldn't help notice was how bumpy the trail is. My bicycle seat broke before leaving on our trip and I didn't have time to replace it. We used a seat off of one of our hybrid bikes, which is a little larger and softer, to replace the broken one. I was very thankful today to have that softer seat, it absorbed a lot of the trail shock from all those bumps! Interesting note: on the local news this evening they spoke about the bumpy trails. It was announced that they have the funds now to resurface the trails. AMEN to that!

As we were biking along the river South of town, I heard a bird squawking. I could tell that it was a larger bird and coming from somewhere above me. I started scanning the trees to see if I could locate the bird. I spotted a cell tower close to the trail and on the top was an eagle's nest with the eagle in it. Unfortunately, I was unable to get a picture but it was so exciting to see! Even though the day started out so cold it turned out to be a very delightful day! I hope the rest of our biking days will be as nice.

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