Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Grand Teton Multi-use Pathway, Wyoming

September 14, 2016
14 miles

The day started out cold and rainy. But the forecast showed that there would be a break in the rain around 10:30 to early afternoon. We loaded the bikes and headed for Grand Teton National Park. We figured if we were at the park when the clouds broke we could hop on our bikes and get a ride in without getting wet. Our first stop was the visitor center. While there the rain did stop and we even saw a rainbow. A sign that it was time to ride.

We drove to Jenny Lake, unloaded our bikes and got everything ready. Clay went to put his biking shoes on and they weren't in the car. He'd left them back at the condo, which was 45 minutes away. He would have to ride in his running shoes and not be clipped in. We started out South, going downhill into the wind. It was 45 degrees and pretty cold. I had dressed warmly but my hands and face were very cold. But, I was so thankful that it wasn't raining! We followed the bike trail down to the ranger station at Moose, turned around, and went back to Jenny Lake. Going back with the wind at our backs was so nice and I wasn't cold anymore. I couldn't believe how much difference it made. When we finished our ride the sun was still shining so we ate our lunch at a picnic table at the Jenny Lake Trailhead. 

 The rain had stopped and we had some fabulous views!

 Passed some antelope playing on the range.

 Jenny Lake

Before heading back to the condo we drove around Grand Teton National Park to enjoy more of the scenery. Just as we turned the car around to head back to the condo it started raining again. I never would have guessed that today would have turned out to be so perfect!

Jackson Lake, from Signal Mountain.

We ended our day by having dinner at the Bar J Chuckwagon Supper & Western Show. So much fun to eat a cowboy dinner and hear these men sing western songs. They are very talented and I highly recommend their show if you are in the Jackson Hole area.

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