Monday, September 12, 2016

Great Northern Historical Trail, Montana

September 12, 2016
22 miles

Spent the morning driving around Glacier National Park. Absolutely beautiful! We did get into some snow and parts of the road were closed due to the weather but, we enjoyed what we saw.

Our bike ride started later in the afternoon when it was suppose to hit the high for the day, which was 57 degrees. It was partly cloudy and breezy so it would feel even cooler to me. I dressed as warm as I could. Two pairs of socks, 3 pants, 2 shirts, 2 jackets, a muffler, earmuffs and my long fingered gloves. I was quite fluffy but I stayed warm!

We started our ride in Kalispell and went south to Somers. The trail followed a road so there was a lot of traffic noise. The views to the distance were of the mountains and it was gorgeous. Some of mountains had a dusting of snow at the peaks. Overall it was a nice trail and I rode more than I expected since it was so cold.

Interesting bicycle seat at the Wheaton Bike Store, Kalispell, Montana

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