Thursday, September 8, 2016

Chehalis Western Trail, Washington

September 8, 2016
43 miles

We got an early start this morning. Left Beaverton, Oregon by 8 a.m. and got in Portland rush hour traffic. I would sure hate to deal with that every morning. I can see now why so many people in Portland ride a bicycle! Our drive to Lacey, Washington was a short commute, about 2.5 hours. We were able to check into the VRBO early. Our plan was to unload our luggage and then start our bike ride. Everything was going as planned until it was time to air up the bike tires. Apparently, Tom has issues with tire pumps. He likes to break them! And, unfortunately, it happened today. (Sorry Paul, you'll be getting a new pump). So by the time we replaced the pump and ate lunch it wasn't until 1:15 that we actually started riding. This is two days in a row now that we've had issues that have delayed us. Hope we aren't setting a precedent here.

The trail today was very nice. It was extra wide and overall the trail was pretty flat, with a few exceptions. Both yesterday and today were basically the same distance but today we averaged 2 mph faster than yesterday. Hills will do that to you! Just like yesterday's trail, today there were lots of trees, shrubs, ferns, bushes, etc. that we enjoyed as we rode. I don't know why but I am very enthralled with all the ferns. We did have a little mishap today. We ran over a snake. Clay tried to avoid it but, unfortunately, it was impossible and the snake did not survive. Tomorrow is a travel day which will probably be good. A few of us are suffering from blisters and leg cramps so I think we need a day of rest!

 North end of the Trail

 Lots of Blackberry Bushes, Clay enjoying a snack.

 Bicycle Roundabout

 Have you seen this commercial? Well, it happened to me!

Toward the end of the ride, enjoying the scenery and weather.

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