Sunday, May 20, 2018

Farmington River and Farmington Canal Trails - Connecticut

May 20, 2018
28 miles

Yesterday we headed to Connecticut even though we knew we wouldn't be able to ride because of rain. And, there was a possibility that Sunday would be a rain day also. We ended up at Chapin Park B&B in New Hartford, CT which was close to the trails we planned to ride. That way if there happened to be a break in the rain we would be able to ride. After breakfast this morning the weather forecast was promising so we loaded the bike and headed to the trail.

Chapin Park B&B
New Hartford, CT

We combined one trail with part of another trail so that it would be a loop trip instead of an out and back trip. We began in Collinsville, CT on the Farmington River. Once again, it was very scenic pedaling beside a river. Many people were out enjoying the beautiful day and the peaceful trail. Out of all the trails we've ridden on this trip, these two trails have been the busiest. That may be due to the fact that this is the first weekend day that we have ridden and, since the weather was bad yesterday,  everyone wanted to get outside today!

We experienced many different trail surfaces today. Most of it was actual asphalt trail but parts were on city roads and some parts were crushed stone. The parts on city roads were marked fairly well but we still had to make frequent stops to check our phone to make sure we hadn't missed a turn. This slowed us down considerably. But, we weren't too rushed for time, our only concern was the possibility of rain moving in. We finished without getting wet and enjoyed some pizza and soda at Lasalle Market in Collinsville.

Lunch stop after the ride

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