Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Stowe Recreation Path, Vermont

May 15, 2018
11 miles

What a day! Original plan was to drive to Burlington, Vermont. Bike Island Line Trail along beautiful Lake Champlain. Eat lunch somewhere with a view. Drive to Stowe, Vermont. Bike Stowe Recreation Path. But, the weather was uncooperative. It was raining when we arrived in Burlington. We tried to wait it out but finally gave up, had lunch at Five Guys and then went to Stowe.

 Before our rainy ride in Stowe

When we arrived in Stowe it was lightly raining. The forecast predicted that it would come to an end around 4 pm. We checked in early to the lodge and unloaded. By that time the prediction of rain stopping had moved to 6 pm. So, as much as I don't like riding in the rain, I didn't have many options left if I was going to ride a trail in Vermont.

The path started right by the lodge, which is always nice. As we began our ride we passed some stables. The horses found us very interesting. They started running towards us and followed along until the fence prevented them from continuing any farther. The trail meandered along West Branch River through farms and woodlands and then through parts of the beautiful town of Stowe. The trail crossed the river ten times. We also got glimpses of the ski area which still had snow. I enjoyed the bike ride today even though it was cold and wet. The sounds of the river and the scents of mountains are wonderful!
Found this painted rock while on the trail today.

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