Monday, May 21, 2018

Heritage Trail - New York

May 21, 2018
22 miles

Homemade Salted Caramel Pretzel Ice Cream

We are headed to New Jersey and decided to ride another trail in New York on our way through. We started at what the locals call the Airplane Park in Monroe, New York. We had a perfect weather day, sunny and in the low 70's. We passed through Chester where there was a restored  stone train station that is now a museum. On our way back we stopped for a break here. Unfortunately, the museum was closed so we weren't able to visit it but, we met a couple from this area and enjoyed talking with them.

Before getting to Goshen (the other end of the trail) we came across a Trail Closed Sign. We didn't want to cut short our ride so we proceeded. A few minutes later we came upon workers repaving little sections of the trail. Clay asked them if we could pass if we walked the bike around the part they were working on. They granted us permission. 

You May Pass Go

According to the information we had we thought the trail continued a few miles past Goshen but there was no signage. After stopping in a park, with the majestic First Presbyterian Church in the background, and checking the map we finally figured out where to pick up the trail. But to our disappointment it wasn't paved so we turned around. I guess that's why we couldn't find any signs directing us to that section of trail! As we passed the Trailside Treats Creamery we decided to stop and try their homemade ice-cream. Amazing!

First Presbyterian Church
Goshen, New York
Est. 1720

On our way back to Monroe we passed an old cemetery that we totally missed going the other way. Most of the headstones were weathered and hard to read but many dated back to the 1800's.

Not the usual trailside scenery 

Rain is predicted in the afternoon tomorrow so we are hoping to get to the trail early and beat the rain. New Jersey here we come!

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